Miscellenous Takaful


Designed to cover loss of your money whilst in transit and/or whilst in the premises.We will cover:

  • Money in personal custody of the Participant’s authorised employees whilst in direct transit between the said premises and bank(s).
  • Money belonging to the Participant or for which the Participant is responsible shall be lost, destroyed or damaged.
  • Any safe or strongroom belonging to the Participant and containing money is lost, destroyed or damaged as a result of theft or attempted theft of such money, the Takaful Operator will indemnify the Participant in respcet of such loss, destruction or damage.

Cash in Transit and safe Takaful

This Takaful provides cover against loss of money in transit, by the participant or participant’s authorized employee(s) occasioned by robbery, theft or any other fortuities cause also covers loss by burglary of house breaking whilst money is retained at insured’s premises, in safe(s) or strong room.


This takaful will indemnifies you as an employer against any direct loss of pecuniary that you may sustain through act(s) of dishonest by your employees such as act(s) of forgery, embezzlement, larceny or fraudulent conversion.

This coverage is not only on loss of money but also covers loss of real property and stock-in-trade belonging to you.


Personal Accident Takaful plan designed for your protection needs. It is Shariah-compliant and gives you 24 hours protection against injury anywhere in the world caused by accidental means.


This Takaful plan provides cover to employee in the immediate service of any organisation / site of work who sustain personal injury by accident or disease arising out of and in the course of employment in business and if the employer are liable to pay compensation for such injury illness under W.C.Act.1923, Fatal accidents Act, 1855 at common law. This plan covers legal liability of an employer under:

  • Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of issue of the policy
  • Fatal Accidents Act, 1855, and subsequent amendments of the said Act prior to the date of issue of the policy
  • Common Law